Workspace Configuration
This page describes how to configure an Engine workspace.
Engine workspaces can be configured directly in the workspace or through environment variables contained in a configuration file on the server. Not all configuration options are available in both places, particularly fundamental configurations like database access can only be set via environment variables. All configuration options have a built-in default value.
The order of application of workspace configuration values is:
- Manually set values in the workpsace configuration directly in the workspace. If none is set:
- Manually set values in the environment variables configuration file (on the server). If none is set:
- Default values
Workspace Configuration in the Workspace
Via the UI
Engine provides a UI screen for editing workspace settings easily.
You can access workspace settings through this menu
The UI provides an overview of all available setting, their default and environment values, and their effective values (e.g. if the setting is overwritten by a manual value). Once you edit a setting, the change immediately takes effect.
The UI screen