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Version: 7 - Gugelhupf

User & Role Management

Managing users

You can add, edit and remove users via the Cloudomation UI. To do so, click on the button shown in the image below and choose Manage Users & Roles.

The button for managing users

User overview

On the 'Users' tab, there is a list of all users including an overview of their configuration (name, email, 2FA enabled etc.). You can also see the button for adding a new user (more on that later).

This overview shows the current users

Editing users

Clicking on a user opens a detail view of it where you can edit its configuration (given that you have the needed role).

The detail view of a user

Adding users

With the 'Add user' button on the users tab you can create a new user. Once you have created a new user, they will get an email with the activation link.


For security reasons you need to enter your credentials when creating a new user.


The newly created user will automatically have the default role assigned. The default role allows for reading, creating, updating, and deleting records but only in the Default project.

Make sure to assign them the roles needed for their function. See managing roles for more on this.

This is the form for creating a new user

Managing roles

Creating roles and assigning them to users is possible via the Cloudomation UI and via the Flow API. For more on this refer to Role Based Access Control.