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Version: 12 - TBD

Connection Auditing


Cloudomation Engine has a usage based licence model. Each productive connection counts towards your monthly limit. To find out how many connections a particular flow or process (consisting of multiple flows) has used, you can either use the advanced search or write a flow script that creates a report.

What the definition of a process is, is entirely up to you. Our approach here will be to assign connections based on the top level execution.


Here is a simple illustration of what the top level execution is:

We have 3 flows: flow1, flow2, and flow3.

  • flow1 starts flow2, which starts flow3,
  • flow2 and flow3 each connect to a database.

The top level execution is flow1 for all 5 executions.

We can use the advanced search to find out how many connection-executions had a specific flow as top level execution. In this example the flow we're interested in is my top flow.


  • Execution type: CONNECTION
  • Trash: Include in trash
  • Top level execution only: False
  • Top execution (all attributes) -> Flow -> Is: my top flow
  • Is productive: True
  • (optional) After & Before: if you want to filter for a specific time range

Advanced Search for connection executions with my flow as top level execution

You can see all connections that can be attributed to my top flow within the selected time range. These connections count towards your monthly limit.

Using the flow_api

Here is how we can achieve a similar result using the flow_api. Let's create a script that get's all connection execution that can be attributed to my top flow, and create a report that is sent via a mail notification.


The script above will sum up the relevant connections and send a mail with the result to the user that runs the script.

You could customize this to your needs, e.g. schedule the script to run monthly, send the report to a group of users, or save the report to a database or file.