Schema Creation and Validation
Engine allows you to define Schemas against which you can validate data. Schemas can be defined as an Engine resource or directly in the relevant field (e.g. "Input schema") of selected resources (e.g. flows).
Use Cases
Use Schemas to
- validate input data for flows or connections,
- validate output data to ensure you received all necessary data for further processing,
- coerce your data and ensure it is transformed to the correct data types for further processing.
- create a form for input values of wrappers
In Engine you can define a Schema both via the user interface with Create or directly inside a Flow. Afterwards, you can validate or coerce your data against a given Schema.
A Schema allows you to define e.g.:
- keys to be validated,
- data
, - data
, default
values if a key is not present,required
Upon successful validation or coersion the (coerced) data is returned.
Currently, JSON schema validation with draft 7 formatting is implemented.
When validation of the data fails a flow_api.exceptions.SchemaValidationError
exception is raised. You can handle this exception as described in Exceptions
When the schema itself is invalid, a flow_api.exceptions.SchemaError
exception is raised. You can handle this exception as described in Exceptions
Schema Resource
Defining a Schema Resource
Schemas can be defined using the user interface of Engine or within a flow script. If you don't want to manually write a JSON schema take a look at the validate wrapper.
Create a Schema in the User Interface
You can simply create a new Schema in the user interface:
The buttons to create a schema
Write your schema in the editor.
Create a Schema Inside Flows
You can save a schema for later validation or coersion within a flow with the following syntax:
system.schema(<schema-name>).save(value=<dict with schema definition>)
See the following example:
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):
system.schema('my schema').save(value={
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'some_id': {
'type': 'string',
'format': 'uuid',},
'name': {
'type': 'string',},
'date': {
'type': 'string',
'format': 'datetime',},
'number': {
'type': 'number',
'default': 2,},
'required': [
return this.success('all done')
Create a Schema with a Wrapper
You can create and also update a schema dynamically using the validate wrapper. Setting the wrapper's parameter mode
to learn,
allows you to generate a json schema from the input_value
or output_value
of an Execution
. For more information on this, refer to validate.
Validating Data with a Schema Resource
You can validate your data with the schema's method validate(data=<my_data>)
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):
my_data = {
'some_id': '12345678-1abc-2cde-3def-987654321cba',
'name': 'giraffe',
'date': '2020-12-24 20:20',
'additional': 'additional value',
validated_data = system.schema('my schema').validate(data=my_data)
return this.success('all done')
Validate a Schema with a Wrapper
You can validate the input_value
or output_value
of an Execution
using the validate wrapper. For more information on this,
refer to validate.
Coercing Data with a Schema Resource
If you want to coerce data, either convert compatible types or add default values for missing keys,
then use validate(data=<my_data>, coerce=True)
or its alias coerce(data=<my_data>)
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):
my_data = {
'name': '9999',
'some_id': '12345678-1abc-2cde-3def-987654321cba',
coerced_data = system.schema('my schema').coerce(data=my_data)
coerced_data = system.schema('my schema').validate(data=my_data, coerce=True)
return this.success('all done')
Handling Validation Errors
If a schema validation or coersion fails the exception flow_api.exceptions.SchemaValidationError
is thrown.
You have to catch the error and can decide what to do with the situation.
Either, you add further processing, stop execution of the flow or simply output a warning and ignore the failed validation.
In this example, the flow's input-data is validated and the error is written to the log:
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):
validated_data = system.schema('my schema').validate(data=inputs)
except flow_api.exceptions.SchemaValidationError as ex:
# here follows further code
return this.success('all done')
Input and Output Schema
You can directly define a schema for the input and output value of certain resources (e.g. flows) in a designated field. Upon execution, the actual input value is validated against the schema.
The below picture shows a flow where the input and output schema is defined. Every time the flow runs, the schema of its input value is validated by
the defined schema. The schema below expects a key in the input value that's called my_value
and its value is of type integer
On the left side you see the schema definition, either in code view or form view. On the right side, you see the resulting schema, also in code or form view. You can interact with this preview schema to see if it works like you intend.
The input schema and output schema fields of a flow
For example the below script sets an output value of the execution that conforms to the schema.
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):{
'my_data': [21,22,23,24],
'my_boolean': True,
'my_text': '''This text
spans across
multiple lines
return this.success('all done')
Validation of Input Value
When executing a resource that has its input schema defined the input values of the resource are validated against the schema. Should the validation fail, the execution of the resource fails.
E.g. if "my_value" is not in the input values the execution fails
Formatting of Output Value
When executing a resource that has its output schema defined the output values of the resource can be displayed in a form. You can switch between the code view and the form view.
The form view
The code view
Input Schema of Wrappers
You can directly define a schema for the input value of wrappers. Besides validating the input value upon execution, this also serves as a way to generate a form for configuring the wrapper.
If you have the wrapper bundle installed you might be already familiar with configuring static wrappers with a form. The input schema of all wrappers in the bundle are defined, therefore they can be configured using a form.
The configuration form of the retry
The input schema of the retry
type: object
label: Retry wrapper
element: form-object
- max_tries
- delay_sec
- timeout_sec
- delete_retries
type: integer
label: Delay (seconds)
default: 10
element: form-integer
description: The number of seconds to wait in between retries.
type: integer
label: Maximum number of tries
default: 3
element: form-integer
description: The number of times to try starting the child before failing.
type: integer
label: Timeout (seconds)
default: 0
element: form-integer
description: >-
Fail, if the child did not succeed within the timeout. Set to 0 to
type: boolean
label: Delete retries
default: true
element: form-boolean
description: >-
If set, previous child executions are deleted when a new child execution
is started.
description: ''
additionalProperties: false
Creating Input and Output Schemas
Let's have a look at how you can create your own input and output schemas. This example will show the creation of an input schema for a wrapper that enables its configuration with a form.
You can create schemas in one of two ways. You can use the form view and create the schema by clicking through elements and filling out fields, or you can use the code view and write the schema from scratch on your own. For either of those ways, it is important to understand what parts a schema consists of.
Let's categorize the building blocks of a schema into two parts. 1. Form data (i.e. title, description, etc.) 2. Input fields (the actual configuration values that affect behaviour of the wrapper).
Form data
- is alwaysobject
- a string that is the title of the formelement
- is alwaysform-object
- a list of form elements (listed inproperties
) that are mandatory fieldsdescription
- a string that is shown below thelabel
- a json object that allow properties that are not defined inproperties
but match the regex and type defined hereadditionalProperties
- a boolean that controls if properties not defined in the schema or inpatternProperties
are allowed
Here's how you could start a schema for your own wrapper:
Code View:
type: object
label: <Name of your wrapper>
element: form-object
- id
description: <Description of your wrapper>
additionalProperties: false
Form View:
- Start with the empty form
- Select the form element
, fill out the fieldslabel
and set therequired
Input fields
- a list contains the elements that will be shown in the configuration form
Each property defines how a field is displayed (simple input field, dropdown, toggle, etc.) what its default value is and what data-type it is.
A property can have the following attributes:
- a string that is the title of the propertyelement
- defines how the value for the property is set. It can be:form-string
(single line text)form-text
(multiline text)form-password
(single line text that is displayed as *)form-integer
(takes only integers)form-array
(for adding and removing elements to a list)form-dropdown
(for choosing a single value from a predefined list)form-boolean
(toggle button)form-json
(for json formatted value)form-const-string
(a static string that cannot be changed)form-const-integer
(a static integer that cannot be changed)form-const-null
(a static null that cannot be changed)form-const-boolean
(a static boolean that cannot be changed)form-object
(for nesting another form within the form)
- (optional)
- a string that is shown below thelabel
- (optional)
- the default value - (for use with constants)
- the constant value of the element - (for
- defines the attributes likeelement
, etc. of the items - (for
- defines which dropdown item is the default value - (for
- a list of properties with constant elements - (optional - for
- the name of the property that will be used as the identifier of the selected element
Here's how your input schema could look like, now containing the properties
. Each element type is represented so you can see how to
make them work:
Code View:
# as seen in the previous example
type: object
label: Reporting wrapper
element: form-object
- id
# here come the properties
label: Id
element: form-string
description: Your personal ID
label: Report
element: form-text
description: Enter your report
label: Password
element: form-password
label: Team Number
element: form-integer
element: form-array
type: array
label: Report Recipient list
default: []
element: form-string
label: Recipient
- const: v1
label: Version 1
element: form-const-string
- const: v2
label: Version 2
element: form-const-string
label: Version
element: form-dropdown
defaultIndex: 0
label: Escalate
element: form-boolean
default: false
label: Logs
element: form-json
description: Enter configuration information
additionalProperties: false
Form View:
- Initially, there are no properties.
- Click on add properties and type in the property name. In this example we are going to do one property only:
- Now you will need to choose the form element for this property
- Choose the form element
and fill out the fieldslabel
- Repeat with the other properties
This schema produces the following form that helps with the configuration:
The configuration form that results from the schema
Defining patternProperties
and patternProperties
With patternProperties
and additionalProperties
you can enable the user to supply inputs (or outputs) that are not defined in properties
. Let's take the input schema of a flow called my-flow
as an illustration.
If patternProperties
is not set, additionalProperties
is not enabled, and there is nothing defined in properties
, my-flow
will not take any inputs.
A schema with no predefined properties
, no additionalProperties
and no patternProperties
type: object
label: <Name of your flow>
element: form-object
required: []
description: <Description of your flow>
additionalProperties: false
properties: {}
Now let's run this flow and pass an input value:
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):
return this.success('all done')
As expected, it fails to validate against the input schema.
Input validation failed: "Additional properties are not allowed ('my_int' was unexpected)"
If additionalProperties
is set to True
, the user can supply any property without restrictions.
A schema with no predefined properties but additionalProperties
type: object
label: <Name of your flow>
element: form-object
required: []
description: <Description of your flow>
additionalProperties: true
properties: {}
This schema considers any property as valid input. If you run the flow with the same input value, it succeeds.
If patternProperties
is set and additionalProperties
is False
the user can only supply properties that match the type and regex defined in patternProperties
A schema with no predefined properties
, no additionalProperties
but patternProperties
defined so any input that matches the regex ^my_prefix.*
and is of type string
is accepted.
type: object
label: <Name of your flow>
element: form-object
required: []
description: <Description of your flow>
additionalProperties: false
element: form-string
type: string
default: null
properties: {}
If we run this flow and pass the same input value, it will fail, since my_int
does not validate against the regex:
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):
return this.success('all done')
Input validation failed: "'my_int' does not match any of the regexes: '^my_prefix.*'"
Similarly, if the name of the input value is right, but the type is not, it still fails:
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):
return this.success('all done')
Input validation failed: "42 is not of type 'string'"
Only when it mathces the regex and the type, the input validation succeeds:
import flow_api
def handler(system: flow_api.System, this: flow_api.Execution, inputs: dict):
return this.success('all done')
Defining objectIdentifier
The objectIdentifier
property should be used whenever a dropdown has multiple elements that are objects.
You don't need to set objectIdentifier
if the dropdown only has elements that are not objects e.g. integers or strings.
Setting objectIdentifier
helps the schema parser handle invalid values in a dropdown element. This way, if the user selects an item from the dropdown
and then sets one of it's properties to a value that is not valid, the schema parser will know which property causes validation errors so only that part of the schema
will be shown as invalid.
If there is no objectIdentifier
set, the whole dropdown will be shown as invalid, leaving no easy way to change the invalid value in the
form view (you can still change the invalid value in the code view).
Invalid value for integer field. With use of objectIdentifier
Invalid value for integer field. Without use of objectIdentifier
Here are the conditions for an objectIdentifier
to work:
- Each object in the dropdown must have the a property named after the
. - The property must be
element: form-const-string
,type: string
, and have a unique value forconst
. - The property must be required.
Let's look at an example.
The following schema has a form-dropdown
with two elements that are objects.
This is why the objectIdentifier
- There is an
set tomode_name
. - Each object in the dropdown has a
property. - The
property iselement: form-const-string
,type: string
, and has a unique value forconst
). - The
property is required.
additionalProperties: false
description: ''
element: form-object
label: Process
- mode
label: Mode
element: form-dropdown
defaultIndex: 0
objectIdentifier: mode_name
- additionalProperties: false
description: ''
element: form-object
label: Automatic Mode
- id
- mode_name
const: automatic
element: form-const-string
type: string
default: 0
description: The id of the process
element: form-integer
label: Id
type: integer
- additionalProperties: false
description: ''
element: form-object
label: Manual Mode
- id
- mode_name
const: manual
element: form-const-string
type: string
default: 0
description: The id of the process
element: form-integer
label: Id
type: integer
Protected Fields
You can hide sensitive information in the input and output value of executions by making sure that they are in a form-password
element in the input/output schema.
This ensures, that whenever the execution is opened in the UI, sensitive fields of the input/output value are obfuscated.
The authentication.password
field of the input schema of the REST connector is defined as a protected field.
Let's see what happens if you run the following flow script:
'httpbin rest connector',
name='httpbin connection',
authentication= {
'authentication_method_name': 'basic',
'username': 'user',
'password': 'pass',
Navigating to the connection execution and looking at the input values only shows the obfuscated value.
The sensitive information is obfuscated in the form view...
...and in the code view too.
Protected fields only obfuscate values in the UI. It is possible to read the actual value of protected fields via the flow_api
See RBAC for restricting access to executing flow_api